Monday, December 13, 2004

Starting the week upbeat

I don't quite know what is going wrong with me, but today I woke up feeling very well and ready for a long week ahead. Next week my parents are coming, so this last weekend I spent mostly cleaning my house and making sure I was getting rid of most of the boxes I could get rid of. And I actually did get rid of almost all boxes! The only boxes that are left in my apartment are the ones that are being used as pieces of furniture (yes, it's depressing, but it's better than spending more and more fortunes). I officially have a home theater system now in my living room. But with no TV! That's what makes the home theater nicer! :-)

Anyway, just wanted to drop a line before going to work. I'll have some fun meetings today! And today is the day to start implementing my new project (although things may get a little delayed due to one of the meetings). I also finally worked more on my research this last weekend. I didn't get a lot further, but at least it was something. February is a tough bet, but I'll keep aiming for it!

Ok, time to go.