Friday, December 17, 2004

Some news make me sad... But this made me depressed: The Kyoto Protocol is Dead It is just scary to think of what the world will be for the next generations. Oh, but can the next generations live without economic growth? I don't know why people can think that they can't! Maybe because that's the way you are tought think by your economy instructor. I don't see anything but a dark future for all of us!

As for the rest, my week was pretty busy. I was working until late almost every day! But I've survived! My boss even asked me to work less, because he doesn't want me to burn out that quickly, but I can't say I have that much to do at home (except from my research, of course).

No big plans for the weekend besides buying the last things that I think are missing to receive my family here. Next two weeks are short, because Fridays are holidays (I'm not going down the rat hole of discussing why I don't think that they should be holidays). I'll be busy, anyway. Lots of things have to happen until January.