Thursday, August 30, 2007

Silly things that keep me up

Sometimes there are some silly things out there that keep me up until late at night. Last night this was my reason:

Extremely addictive! The data is a little problematic in some classic areas like units of measure (are implied from the relationship type, but not explicit anywhere) and uneven structuring (contains things like "factbook:publicdebt '50% of GDP'" or sometimes some comma-separated values to deal with lists of things, instead of having multiple relationships)

But you can query for things like: give me the countries that have a life expectancy greater than 65 years and does not produce any oil:

?x a factbook:Country .
?x factbook:lifeexpectancyatbirth_totalpopulation ?life .
?x factbook:countryname_conventionalshortform ?name .
?x factbook:oil_production ?oil .
FILTER ( ?oil = 0 && ?life >= 65 )

(I first tried the neighboring countries of these countries, but got some exception of missing table... odd)

And here is where this link came from: Open Data: Information wants to be linked