Saturday, September 24, 2005

Transfering license tags

Finally today I got everything I thought I needed (including time) and went to the department of transportation to transfer my tags from Oklahoma to Washington. I went through their website and was quite confused with what I needed, but I read the following:

"If a lienholder holds the title, you will need to supply a fax or photocopy of the title being held by the lienholder."

I have a lease, so I don't have the title. Last Monday I called Honda and asked them to fax me the title. Well, they finally did it on Friday (according to them, the title is held on a fire-safe building, so it takes some time for them to retrieve it - shouldn't have taken more than 2 days, but it took 4). So there I was, ready to pay I don't know how much to get this all done. Waited in line for about 40 minutes (it's because I got there just after it opened) and then the lady in the office looked at me and said: well, in Washington we need the actual title and a P.O.A. (Power of attourney) letter so they had to fax Honda themselves to get all this info.

They were pretty nice about it, getting all the information they needed by themselves and just asking me to call back for further instructions on Wednesday. The only thing that bugged me is that I thought I had read that I only needed the copy of it on their website... And that's what it was written there! Grr... I hate the web!

Well, there isn't much what to talk about here. It's getting colder and a little cloudier. You can feel people getting more nervous because of it. Quite an interesting topic for a study in psychology.

Alright, time to go and start cleaning all the mess around here. It's quite scary how much mess I can produce in a week without much free time.