Thursday, March 27, 2008

Evening activities

In the past two days I have been trying to relax a little in the evening. Yesterday I actually arrived home sort of early (like 6:40 PM), read and wrote some emails, made a dinner plan then went to the grocery store for getting the missing ingredients. Cooked from 9 pm to something like 10:30 pm, and had dinner. It wasn't that great, but quite fresh. Then, not to end the evening like that, I decided to watch Transformers. Certainly something that wasn't worth staying up until almost 2 AM for. It was cute with lots of meaningless computer animations and very weak storyline.

Then today I didn't arrive this early any more. Made dinner, watched Top Chef (not really my idea, but it's a good way of wasting time) and then played some Geometry Wars: Galaxies on the Wii. I found the game quite bad. Didn't like the use of the Wii remote to point to where you want to shoot. But one thing was great: I've unlocked the galaxy on my DS! I thought it was going to allow me to play between the DS and the Wii, but apparently not. They just connect so that you can unlock the galaxy. Lame!

That's it. Now it's time to sleep as I haven't been sleeping much in the last days. It's not that I have a lot going on at work right now, but I can always find something to do better when I'm not tired.