Friday, January 05, 2007

How a service can be amazing, but quite useless

So I received the following email from a friend today (I'm changing some things just to keep things anonymous):

Dear past Dinner Out Participants,

We will be going to Great Princess Ethiopian Restaurant tomorrow night at 8pm.
Go here to read a description, RSVP, or read a review of the Great Princess Ethiopian
Restaurant. Hope you can make it tomorrow night!


This was through gmail... So on the right side I got the following suggested thing to do:

Would you like to...

Add to calendar
Dinner out at Great Pr...
Sat Jan 6, 2007 8pm

- At no place there was the explicit date there (you had the email date, plus "tomorrow")
- At no place it was written "Dinner" (or "out", for that matter).

Simple things, but made me smile. It's not that I would use it for anything, as I don't like online calendar for scheduling, but it's just good to see technology doing the right thing.